Local Government Pension Scheme funds collectively invest billions in companies complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its illegal military occupation of Palestinian land. PSC branches across Britain are building winning campaigns to pressure their local councils to divest from Israel's genocide and apartheid. We need your help to take this campaign to the next level.

We are seeking a formal legal opinion from senior counsel on the responsibilities of LGPS funds not to be complicit, or render aid and assistance, to Israel's grave violations of international law. We aim to send this formal legal opinion to all Chairs of Pension Committees of an LGPS fund in England & Wales, to help local campaigners secure divestment victories in every local authority.

Please donate what you can to help support our LGPS Divest campaign and the rest of our campaigns.

£0 raised towards our £30,000 stretch target

by 0 supporters

We still need £0 to make it

Your donation will help fund:
  • Our emergency demonstrations - placards, stages and sound systems so our voice is heard
  • Publicity - online and offline to amplify Palestinian demands
  • Resources for local campaigning - we provide materials to dozens of local groups for use across Britain
  • Media support - putting the case for Palestine through expert voices, providing researching briefings and opinion polls for the media

Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is the biggest organisation in the UK dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights. We are almost entirely funded by donations from our members and supporters. We don’t accept money from governments, political parties, or big businesses so we are truly independent in our campaigning. You can find out more about PSC here.

Palestine needs our support for the long-haul. Can you make an ongoing commitment to our work?

Your voice is vital for defending Palestinian human rights. Make sure you use it. Can we email you with key updates and actions you can take for Palestine?*